Grant – CG nedsänkbart kylsystem

Nedsänkbart kylsystem

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Grant – CG nedsänkbart kylsystem

The refrigerated immersion coolers consist of a cooling coil connected to a refrigeration unit by a flexible pipe. Both units offer a continuous heat extraction, with the bath control unit controlling the temperature. Compatible with all four Optima thermostatic controllers: T100 TC120, TX150 TXF200.

The cooling coil can continuously immersed in liquids up to 100°C with the cooler switched off and may be used to cool down from 100°C but it is not designed for continuous operation above 40°C.

  • (C1GR) 0°C to 40°C
  • (C2GR) -15° to 40°C

Grant – CG Refrigerated immersion coolers




Cooling power @ 20°C 350W 450W
Cooling power @ 00°C 150W 350W
Cooling power @ -10°C 60W 200W
Overall consumption 300VA 500VA
Dimensions (d x w x h) 460mm x 305mm x 225mm 460mm x 305mm x 225mm
Weight 17kg 21kg
Flexible pipe 925mm 925mm
Coil Ø/l 77/55mm 77/55mm
Electrical supply 120 (60 Hz) or 230 (50Hz) 120 (60 Hz) or 230 (50Hz)

Grant Instruments – Cirkulationsbad med kyla och värme – katalogsidor 
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog  

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