Arctiko CRYO BOXES 10×10 & 9×9®

Arctiko CRYO BOXES 10×10 & 9×9®

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Arctiko CRYO BOXES 10×10 & 9×9®

23 % more samples with Arctiko Cryogenic boxes compared with the standard 9×9 boxes.

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23 % more samples with Arctiko Cryogenic boxes compared with the standard 9×9 boxes. The boxes are designed for storing biological material, human or animal cells at temperatures as low as -150°C

We also have the standard 9×9 boxes for those who prefer that.

Optimize your freezer space  

The clear lid is connected to the box with special lock ’click on system’ to prevent accidental opening. The upper corners of the lid and base are cut with an angle for faster identification and handling. Optically clear lid and colored base with openings for ventilation. Numerical coding for each tube enables quick and easy sample identification. Arctiko 10×10 Cryo boxes fits perfectly with Arctiko cryo vials: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0.


  • The 10×10 boxes increase the storage capacity with 23% compared to conventional boxes.
  • Click lock in the lid ensures secure handling and samples will be stored optimally at all times.
  • Cryo boxes with numerical codes for quicker identification.
  • Standard measurements 130 x 130mm.
  • Arctiko 10×10 Cryo Boxes are available in 5 different heights: 32, 40, 50, 80, 90 (mm).
  • Arctiko 9×9 Cryo Boxes are available in 3 different heights: 50, 75, 96 (mm).

Arctiko CRYO BOXES 10×10 & 9×9®


Arctiko CRYO BOXES 10×10 & 9×9®



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