Eppendorf – UVette®


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Eppendorf – UVette®

Working with very low amount of samples?
The UVette is a disposable UV/Vis cuvette with a light transmission of 220 nm to 1,600 nm for spectrophotometer and photometers. As an example of Eppendorf’s expertise in the production of high quality consumables, the UVette offers superb purity, convenience and precision for photometric analysis. The unique shape of the UVette combines two optical light path lengths to offer greater flexibility.

The Eppendorf UVette allows for measurements in the UV/Vis range with transparency from 220 nm to 1,600 nm with just a typical minimum volume of 50 µL. The UVette allows the user to choose between two optical path lengths (10 mm and 2 mm). The path length can be reduced by a factor of x5 without diluting or wasting any sample – simply by turning the UVette 90°. The UVette is suitable for fluorescence assays due to its low auto-fluorescence. The PCR-clean and protein-free individually sealed variant is ideal for accurate nucleic acid and protein quantification. The UVette is ideally matched for use with the Eppendorf BioPhotometer and Eppendorf BioSpectrometer families. The UVette can be used in other spectrophotometers with the aid of an adapter.The UVettes are manufactured from crystal clear plastic, which is UV/Vis transparent and features translucency between 220 nm and 1,600 nm. The openly accessible side walls allow for a visual check of the liquid inside the UVette from all sides. This enables the user to detect air bubbles, for example, which may alter the test result. Furthermore, the funnel–shaped design of the cuvette base prevents a capillary effect and ensures that even the minimum volume of 50 µL constantly remains centered in the measuring area.
Two packaging sizes and purity grades are available:
› The individually packaged UVettes are PCR-clean & protein-free and are the ideal choice for valuable samples. Samples can be recovered for downstream applications without the risk of degradation or contamination. Lot specific certificates are available on the Eppendorf webpage.
› The routine pack contains UVettes with Eppendorf certified quality and is the ideal choice for routine applications where many samples need to be screened. It offers safe storage in a reclosable box and convenient access to each cuvette which makes filling easy.For safe handling, cuvettes should be handled in combination with specific cuvette holders.

Selection guide for Eppendorf photometers

Eppendorf UVette®

One cuvette – two path lengths

The unique shape of the UVette allows sample measurement using two different optical path lengths, which are clearly marked. A rotation of the UVette by 90° provides a choice between the 10 mm and the 2 mm optical path lengths. If the sample concentration is too high when measuring using the 10 mm light path, the UVette may simply be rotated by 90°, and the measurement can be repeated in the 2 mm light path.
On the other hand, if the sample concentration is lower than expected, one can easily switch from the 2 mm to the 10 mm light path. Thus the UVette provides great flexibility by covering measurements across a broad range of concentrations. Further information, e.g. about the chemical resistance of the UVette are available in our Knowledge Base.

Eppendorf UVette®


The UVettes are manufactured from crystal clear plastic, which is UV/Vis transparent and features translucency between 220 nm and 1,600 nm. The openly accessible side walls allow for a visual check of the liquid inside the UVette from all sides. This enables the user to detect air bubbles, for example, which may alter the test result. Furthermore, the funnel-shaped design of the cuvette base prevents a capillary effect and ensures that even the minimum volume of 50 µL constantly remains centered in the measuring area.

Two packaging sizes and purity grades are available:

› The individually packaged UVettes are PCR–clean & protein–free and are the ideal choice for valuable samples. Samples can be recovered for downstream applications without the risk of degradation or contamination. Lot specific certificates are available on the Eppendorf webpage.
› The routine pack contains UVettes with Eppendorf certified quality and is the ideal choice for routine applications where many samples need to be screened. It offers safe storage in a reclosable box and convenient access to each cuvette which makes filling easy.

Eppendorf UVette®

Safe line-up of your cuvettes needed?

Due to their light weight and the small footprint, cuvettes tend to tip on the bench. To avoid this loss of high value samples due to these accidents, a dedicated rack for cuvettes is recommended. These racks have special square-footed wells for the cuvettes.
On top, the array of several cuvettes with individual sample content in a specific rack reduces the risk of mixing up your samples.

Eppendorf UVette®

Eppendorf – UVette®


  • Suitable for measuring small volumes (≥50 µL)
  • UV and Vis measurements from 220 nm to 1,600 nm
  • UV transparent plastic, free of fluoropolymers and other halogenated hydrocarbons
  • Two built-in optical path lengths in a single cuvette – just turn the UVette 90° to change from 10 mm and 2 mm
  • Volume markings for 500 µL and 1,000 µL
  • Individually packaged and certified PCR clean and protein-free quality for sensitive (e.g. RNA) and valuable samples
  • Deep-lying optical window prevents scratches
  • Tapered cuvette base for optimal filling, frosted grip for labeling
  • Ideal for use in the Eppendorf BioPhotometer and Eppendorf BioSpectrometer, adapters available for use with other common spectrophotometers
  • Routine pack for convenient access to each UVette and safe storage in a reclosable box
Eppendorf UVette®
BSA concentration range (UV 280 nm) 76 ng/µL – 22,725 ng/µL
Colorimetric protein assays yes
Cuvette blank ≤0.5 A at 260 nm
Fluorescence measurements yes
Height of light source 8.5 mm1
Light transmission 220 nm – 1,600 nm
Material UV-transparent plastic
Maximum filling volume 2,000 µL
No. of optical windows 4
OD 600 methods yes
Packing 80 pcs.
Purity grade(s) PCR clean
Sample light path length 2 mm and 10 mm
Temperature control no
Use in Eppendorf BioPhotometer® yes
Use in Eppendorf BioSpectrometer® yes
Wavelength range 220 – 1,600 nm
dsDNA concentration range (UV 260 nm) 2.5 ng/µL – 750 ng/µL
Volume range 50 – 2,000 µL
Dimensions (W × D × H) 12.5 × 12.5 × 36 cm / 0.49 × 0.49 × 1.42 in
Minimum filling volume
in Eppendorf photometers 50 µL
in devices of other manufacturers 50 µL
1adapters available for height adjustment
Brochure – Spark of the Future
Eppendorf Purity Grades Selection Guide
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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