Bovine IgG

Bovine IgG

Artikelnr: Nal-1172065N-05 Kategori:

Frågor om Bovine IgG?

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Bovine IgG

The tamaVet® Bovine IgG Test is intended for the semi- quantitative detection of bovine immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the whole blood, serum or plasma of calves. Newborn calves exhibit a low IgG serum concentration post natum, but are dependent on the absorption of maternal antibodies in their first 24 to 48 hours. As the time in which the intestinal epithelium can absorb these antibodies is limited (ʻgut closureʼ), an insufficient colostrum supply or failed absorption (failure of passive transfer/FPT) of IgG can pose a serious health risk to the herd.
The resulting hypogammaglobulinaemia can lead to an
increased occurrence of diarrhoea and broncho-pneumonia and incur a high number of losses. In order to promptly
diagnose hypogammaglobulinaemia, it is recommended to determine IgG levels in calves within a day of birth. The test is suitable for the early detection of hypogammaglobulinaemia in the routine monitoring of newborn calves in herds. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the test for monitoring purposes.

Bovine IgG