GRANT CTR-6 CO2 Tube roller

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GRANT CTR-6 CO2 Tube roller

The CTR-6 is a CO2 resistant tube roller which provides regulated rocking and rolling of maximum up to 6 rollers and is designed for use specifically in CO2 incubators

Typical applications include cells cultivation (eukaryotic, microbial) and general mixing (resuspension, viscous and liquid-solid suspensions) within CO2 environments.


The CTR-6 is specifically designed for use in harsh environments such as high CO2 and humidity and provides reproducible results for cell culture growth. Removable rollers makes the unit flexible and allows for performing various procedures and techniques with various cultivation vessels. The specially designed remote controller allows for protection of electronics from CO2 incubator environment.

The CTR-6 incorporates a stepper motor with a guaranteed service life up to 10000 hours. It is also possible to stack up to 3 units, saving valuable bench space.

Overall dimensions (wdh) 310 x 262 x 80 mm
Speed control range 5 – 80* RPM (increment 1 rpm) *max. speed depends on the load and vessels’ shape
Digital time setting 1 min–96 hrs / non–stop (increment 1 min)
Digital speed control +
Tilt angle
Maximum load 3 kg
Weight 3 kg
Input current/power consumption 12 V, 415 mA / 5 W
External power supply Input AC 100–240 V; 50/60 Hz; Output DC 12 V
Produktblad – CO2 Tube Roller CTR-6
Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog



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