DEN-600 Photometer

DEN-600 Photometer

Artikelnr: GR-DEN-600 Kategori:

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DEN-600 Photometer

The DEN-600 is a compact, portable, rechargeable battery powered photometer. It’s 600 nm wavelength optical system allows you to measure as below:

  • Estimated total number of cells (OD600)
  • Turbidity measurement method (McFarland (McF))
  • Protein concentration measurement (Bradford protein assay method)

The device serves as an inexpensive alternative to a spectrophotometer, which is commonly used for these applications. As the DEN-600 is battery powered and compact, it can be comfortably located in a biosafety cabinet, anaerobic chamber or quickly relocated.

The cell holder accommodates standard 10 mm path cuvettes, round bottom, conical vials or falcon tubes.

USB connectivity and DEN software allow for data transfer, data processing and calculation.


  • Cell concentration measurement
  • Cell growth data estimation
  • Log phase estimation for microbial cells induction
  • Competent cell preparation
  • Bradford protein assay method
  • Antibiotic susceptibility testing
  • Inhibitory tests


For product specifications and more info, please view or download the operating manual below.

Densitometer 600 – Optional accessories

Part No


DEN MCF STDS Set of liquid McFarland standards in 16mm ø glass tubes. 0.5/1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0 can be decanted into an alternative tube (shelf-life no longer valid). Requires D16 adaptor, supplies with DEN-1/DEN-1B

DEN-600 Photometer


Grant Instruments – Produktkatalog
 Grant Instruments – DEN-600 Manual


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