CAT DIFF15PC Cellräknare

CAT DIFF15 Cellräknare

Artikelnr: CT-60243-0015 Kategori:

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CAT DIFF15PC Cellräknare

Compact, multi-function cell counter for manual differential counting procedures, e.g. bone, marrow, blood. Comes with RS232 interface, including software
to transfer the data from the Diff 15PC to the Computer and displays all percentage and total values for each key individually. Many laboratories want
to store the data from the counter in their LIMS-System. For that, this software can handle the data on two ways: Store one or more different counts into a
single data file or copy to clipboard.
Our software engineers have developed all software for our products. So it is possible to customize the software or do new development for your needs.

Hard-coded programs
Leuko: Up to 12 different cells can be included in the percentage calculation for leukocyte differentiation. The total sum can be selected between 100 and
1000 in stages of 100. Three single count keys are also available which are not included in the percentage calculation.
MYELO/RBC: Up to 15 different cells can be included in the percentage calculation for the differentiation of the myelogram and the red blood picture. The
total can be selected between 100 and 1000 in stages of 100.
RETI: Only the Div/Reti and Div/Eri keys are available for the retikulocyte – erythrocyte ratio. Each press of the key may be set to 1/5/10/15/20/30/40/50
erythrocytes before the count commences. The result of the retikulocytes is displayed in 0/00. The automatic total is 1000.
Free selection program
FREE: This is a free selection program for which any key may be assigned as either a percentage calculation key or a single counting key.

  • Multi-function cell counter
  • Tactile keyboard
  • PC Interface
  • Operation software

CAT DIFF15 Cell counter

Name Value
Number of Keys 15
Nubmer of programs 4
Hard-coded programs Leuko, Myelo, Reti
Free programs 1
PC interface Micro-USB
Protection class according to DIN EN 61140 II
Power supply [V] Micro-USB
Weight [kg] 0.65
Width [mm] 131
Height [mm] 38
Depth [mm] 235
Protection class according to DIN EN 60529 IP 32


Produktöversikt CAT Ingenieurburo


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