Eppendorf – Protein LoBind Plates
Eppendorf Protein LoBind Plates are specifically designed for use in proteomics or other fields of protein research, where protein concentration tend to be very small and sample recovery is vital for assay results. Significantly more protein can be recovered for downstream analyses and enzymes remain active.
Eppendorf LoBind Plates maximize sample recovery by significantly reducing sample binding to the surface. A special, two-component polymer mix creates a hydrophilic surface that ensures optimized recovery rates of valuable samples. Protein LoBind Plates have been specially designed for use in protein research or with sensitive proteomic test methods, and frequently provide significantly improved analysis results.
Eppendorf Protein LoBind products
These products are available in tube, microplate and deepwell plate formats to meet the different application needs for various sample volumes and throughput.
Significantly higher recovery rate of proteins
from Eppendorf Protein LoBind Tubes compared to other low binding tubes after incubation for 96 h. (See Application Note 180 for more details).
MALDI–TOF analysis
The use of Eppendorf Protein LoBind Tubes yield a significantly higher signal during MALDI–TOF analysis of the peptide angiotensin I when compared to the use of standard tubes. At 1 pmol, analysis becomes impossible with standard microtest tubes. The arrows identify the signals in each experiment. (Source: Dr. S. Seeber and Dr. Humeny, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, see Application Note 180 for more details).
Eppendorf – Protein LoBind Plates
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