Eppendorf – Sealing options for Sample Preparation and Storage

Sealing options for Sample Preparation and Storage

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Eppendorf – Sealing options for Sample Preparation and Storage

Eppendorf Sealing Options provide for a secure and reliable closure. Make the right choice for incubation, processing, storage, or archiving of your samples!
Eppendorf offers high-performance sealing options for nearly every application: for incubation and storage; colorimetric ELISA, fluorescence and luminescence experiments; sample processing and cell cultures; and for PCR and qPCR amplification.

Adhesive Film or Foil, Sealing Mat, Plate Lid or Heat Sealing Film or Foil

Determine the optimal sealing option for your application, for more information see Application Note 239 in the download area below: Eppendorf Deepwell Plates and Microplates – Investigations of sealing methods.

Chemical Resistance

An important criterion is the compatibility of the sealing material with the chemicals used. Eppendorf’s range of sealing systems have been tested for their resistance with a variety of common laboratory substances. For more information see Userguide 43 in the download area below: Investigation of the chemical resistance of sealing systems for PCR Plates, Deepwell Plates and Microplates.

Eppendorf – Sealing options for Sample Preparation and Storage

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